Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Saskatoon Spas Reviews

Allen fathers a umfallfreien days


Heut, hat unser Vater frei,
den Daach sehnt der jed Jahr ebei,
denn heut wie alle Leut bekannt,
is Vadderdach im ganze Land.

Morjens freu, do geht´s schon los,
er zieht o sei Söfferhos.
Frisch geduscht, un aach rasiert,
un mit Deo eigeschmiert.

„Mir zeuje los mem Bollerwache,
des ganze Bier kann mer net trache.
Mutter geb den Presskopp mit,
denn unnerwegs gibt´s Abbedit“.

„Vergess aach net die Lewwerwurscht,
so rischdisch schaff, gibt´s rischdisch Durscht.
En Korn, der darf dann aach net fehle,
damit uns net des Fett tut queele.

"You pack up everything in the cooling Dasch,
schee the sun shine all around us in Nagg.
mother yelling, oh maan's arrived then,
Zeje case of beer for men siwwe

mother thinks, oh welch'en stuff, the guy who
only Schunn Dehame. He
moch in the barn Lesche
to his squad there ze fleesche

. I ask because

de Aamer Naus
drunk kemmt the net into the house. Each year
de selwe crap
Rou ka until he is drunk.

Un if he pukes in the night,
wirs'de aach yet been pimped.
How's our main Mutterdaach
coffee on the bed, which waas then aach.

Will ich da aach mal esse geh,
do hääst´s heut is des gar net schee,
die Wirtschafde sinn all so voll,
koch selbst, das mächsde doch so toll.

Die anzisch Hoffnung, die mer bleibt,
dass es das net mehr lang so treibt.
Dem Alter zollt er sein Tribut,
das Saufe dut im net mehr gut


Drei Daach is er ausser Gefecht,
hernach es ihm kaan Spass mehr mescht.
Un eines Daach´s wird es so sei,
am Vadderdaach bleibt er deheim.

Das dümmste Ding auf Erden,
sollte einst der Affe werden.
Doch der Plan ging voll daneben..
so begann der Mann zu leben.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Average Pricing For Car Starters

outside work

Nachdem Klempner, Electricians and tilers had finished their work came the painters and masons went on outside. Because it looks pretty, the exterior walls with thin stone slabs, to disguise the amount of window. The terraces also got this natural stone, but a thicker version. Can be cleaned, if difficult to see but good and are sure-footed than tiles.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dbz How Big Are Bulmas Boobs

The love of money

The love of money is through the (almost) bankrupt state of Greece once again become topic No. 1. It was probably not a plan how to proceed in Europe and the euro.
employs Clear me here, especially as I get my pension in euros. The exchange rate of € to the Guarani since our arrival here, killed in February 2006, from 7313.30 to today's 6,000. A loss of 18% or 4.5% per year. This is the inflation rate from an average of 9.4% in the last 4 years, what makes a purchasing power loss of 13.9 per year.
That's a lot of money. Part of this loss can be collected with a time deposit at a Cooperativa of up to 16%.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pokemon Rom For Mac French

internal work

After the roof was finished could start the interior work. The first one was introduced Contra Piso, from the battered Bricks there. It is then later applied to the ground floor.

started the same time, electricians and plumbers on the wall for the pipe pry.

30.08.2009 internal work was almost complete.