Friday, August 27, 2010

Baseball Skull Sessions

Kanalbau bleibt Thema in Wöbbelin

und mein Leserbrief dazu:

Demokratie oder was?

Wenn man die Entwicklung dieser Geschichte betrachtet, entsteht ein anderer Eindruck.
Die Menschen, die For many years the question of a reasonable treatment of the wastewater have worked in the town have been in the past year, elected by the Wöbbelin to represent them.

In the SPD, for the District to the Environment Minister, but there were apparently other plans. The head of the Supreme Water Authority in the country, Mr Leymann, sits on the board of the association "Wasser Berlin" *). Numerous organizations and associations of water - from the pipe work to the Federal Association of Energy and Water - have expressed to him their confidence.

that our government gives to this man so much power I find quite amazing.

The concept of the 2003 sanitation planning to connect smaller communities, although the EU directive which provides compression only in areas with more than 2,000 population equivalent. They now had even begun with the widespread collection and wanted the high costs of operating the swallows, on many shoulders.

The State allocates for centralized systems many times the funding as necessary for domestic wastewater treatment plants would be the place.

There must be so for reasons other than protecting the environment for these activities.
There may order the load the Kläralage in Neustadt-Glewe go, which was extended due to the completion of the leather factory site years ago. Now the industry seems reluctant settlement proceeds and the existing capacity will be saturated. And surely it is also about jobs.

brought the construction of the lines ZkWAL revenues in the millions of land owners - for the "advantage" they have with the connection. Our county loses constantly inhabitants.

Who really is the good of the citizens entrusted to them in the eye has also thinks of tomorrow. Operating costs per capita are increasing each less we become.
It is concealed that it can not go much longer without community contributions and / or fee increases. While it is human, but not fair to now drop by any means other communities in the boat before it goes down.

This has consequences for all communities and not just for those who now want to save the connection.

Since the report on the concept of a community Wöbbelin Siedlungswasserwirtschaftler the University of Rostock was ordered, the result was a foregone conclusion. The Institute has maintained for years, cooperation with Suez / Eurawasser, a publicly-oriented group, offers the world's water services *).

An independent environmental expert would have Wöbbelin concept is assessed quite differently.

*) for information on the Internet and the blog of the citizens' initiative on

Maria Griepentrog, Blievenstorf
first Chairman of BI on excessive local taxes in the county Ludwigslust eV

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Aveeda Vsbiolage Shampoo

Erstes Normenkontrollverfahren im Oktober?

early October could be the constitutional review process for drinking water, convened supporting the BI. Then we will see

whether the advice of Lord of the WIGU Heiling good enough and their money was worth.

Some shortcomings identified by the court have been ignored.

But it is anyway:

at sea and in court ....... You have to add yourself to fate.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

What Is The Position Of Your Cervix

Sachsen-Anhalt wird ehrlich

has finally recognized Saxony-Anhalt that are achieving "equivalent living conditions" only with unreasonably high costs.

Stendal wondered whether one could not stagger the water and sewage charges for cable length.

A contribution to recovery in INKA-LSA

me is who compared mit dem Braten auf dem Küchentisch in den Sinn:
Sie haben einen großen Hund, einen leckeren Braten in der Küche und achten nicht auf die Küchentür....

Hat der brave Hund den Braten ein Mal stibitzt, wird er es immer wieder versuchen.
Und nächstes mal knurrt er Sie an, wenn SIE sich in IHREN Sessel setzen wollen.

Wir haben offenbar zu lange stillgehalten.

Wann holen wir uns unseren Sessel zurück??

Monday, August 9, 2010

Onde Encontrar Shiny Stone Pokemon Soul Silver

Der kostengünstige Umgang mit den Regelwerken

Bereits 2001 hat die Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft Wasser einen Leitfaden herausgegeben, der offenbar gern ignoriert wird.
Er wurde zwar hier in Mecklenburg erarbeitet, scheint jedoch weitgehend unbekannt zu sein.

The economical use of the regulations