Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Letters To Invite My Friends For Borther Marriage

snow, vodka and adventure

On the front page of the latest edition of "Habarovsky wjésti" ist ganzseitig ein Aufruf von Bürgermeister Sokolów abgedruckt. "Die Naturgewalten meistern wir gemeinsam", heißt die Überschrift. "Verehrte Einwohner Chabarowsks! Erneut ist unsere Stadt in der Gewalt eines Zyklons. In diesem Jahr sind November und Dezember ungeahnt schneereich. Die alteingesessenen Bürger der Stadt können sich nicht erinnern, dass es in den letzten 30 Jahren etwas Ähnliches gegeben hätte. Allein die Niederschlagsmenge im Dezember entspricht fünf Monatsnormen, und den Prognosen der Meteorologen zufolge wird es bis zum 4. Januar schneien.
...Ich rufe die Bewohner Chabarowsks auf, sich zur gemeinsamen Sache zu vereinigen - sie können ernsthafte Hilfe leisten bei der Schneeräumung. And then no force of nature prevent us to celebrate this most popular of festivals and the Neujahresferien be happy and comfortable for adults and children. "

I have never seen so much snow in my life. My yesterday morning jog, I used to to me extensively to roll around in the white snow mountains in the three ponds of the Ussuri Boulevards. The streets of the city sink under its stuck in traffic. travels the last few days, no trams more. To be eligible for the small annual celebration of the Academic Choir at the Cultural Institute, I had - to double the usual price -.
take a taxi arrived with almost an hour late there, I sat next to bass singer Alexei place. He is not yet 50 but already annuitized, as is usual with people who have served their lives in the army. Alexei has built as an engineer, among others, the BAM and worked in Kamchatka, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. We talked about the proposed rail tunnel to Sakhalin, whose construction was begun under Stalin, Alexei told about the hot springs on the Kurile Islands and shook his head when he saw that I bumped with water instead of vodka. "For us it is forbidden," he said, "you have to drink at parties, anniversaries and all the relatives of all ... it is not at all to dry out." Every few minutes, got someone who asked the Anwesenden zum Einschenken auf, brachte einen Toast aus - auf den Chor, die Musik, die Chorleiterin oder das Leben überhaupt - und dann wird getrunken, und zwar in der Regel das Glas auf Ex, "das ist doch für den Magen schädlich, wenn man den Wodka mit Luft vermischt, indem man ihn in kleinen Schlucken trinkt." Die Stimmung wird gelöster, es werden Lieder gesungen, aber Anzeichen echter Betrunkenheit merke ich bei niemandem.
Die Gaststudenten aus China sind ebenfalls anwesend. Sie haben auch Russisch gelernt, aber natürlich fällt es ihnen noch viel schwerer als mir. Chabarowsk heißt auf Chinesisch "Chabalofusike" - im Chinesischen gibt es kein richtiges "r", und nach jedem Konsonanten muss ein Vokal folgen.

I've just heard on the news that the highway is released in the 400 kilometers north of the town Komsomolsk Bussverkehr again. This is good news because there starts at 31.12. my train journey to Lake Baikal - on the BAM, the north through Siberia extending alternative route for the Trans-Siberian Railway. So I will celebrate New Year on the train and then from 3 to 8 January in Severobaikalsk be at the north end of Lake Baikal, the third time, but for the first time in the winter.
climb to the train But BAM, I have to come first to Komsomolsk, an eight-hour journey, just around the corner, then, as we would say here. A train ticket there, I've taken care of too late which are all sold out. Maybe I get a bus ticket for tonight or tomorrow morning. If the road due to snow storms are again closed to buses, tomorrow I could still hitchhike from the settlement Knyaz-Wolokónskoje from just outside the city. Soft Adventures Season existence!
Well, sometimes I grab my backpack.

But first I wish you all my readers a happy and a good start into 2011 - "S nastupájuschtschim nóvym godom"

At the entrance to Dynamo Park receives a Father Frost

The distances between the ice art-objects to be evacuated

A gigantsche Gulliver
figure before a small maze of ice blocks

Spartak, Olga, Rita. At 21:40 clock and knocked the Deshúrnaja reminded me of that visit is allowed only up to 22 clock.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Ontario Vanity License Plate Availability

Der Brunnen, zu dem der Krug geht.....

long way until there is enough.

These newspaper articles
SVZ - 10 December 2010 , alone could fail (yes, it might snow tomorrow, too - or not)
SVZ - 12 December 2010 , sewage battle with question marks
SVZ - 17 December 2010 , legality challenged statutes in wastewater Wöbbelin
(This message was already on December 14 on the sides of the district and there was apparently taken up by the press)

finden Sie hier demnächst Stellungnahmen.
Nicht heute und nicht morgen, aber es wird nicht vergessen.

Amüsieren Sie sich doch inzwischen über die Leserbriefe dazu.

Oder hiermit:
kurz vor den Neuwahlen auf die Wöbbeliner Webseite gesetzt: www.woebbelin.de
Wieso muss das Wasser keimfrei sein? Ist die Gülle, die auf die Felder gebracht ebenfalls keimfrei ??

Wer welche Verbindungen hat und wie sie sich - nicht nur in Brandenburg - auswirken, lesen Sie hier .

Unwahrheiten werden auch durch ständige Wiederholungen nicht wahr.

In particular, I wish you a nice, relaxing Christmas.
the New Year it is then combined with fresh forces.

Friday, December 10, 2010

What Type Of Hair Weave Does Meagan Good Use

ZDF - "Hammer der Woche" zu Gast im LK Parchim

also the purpose of association in the neighboring county is not currently easily.

A camera crew from ZDF - Country level was there, as the association's meeting held yesterday.

given in the SVZ tomorrow

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Can U Chew Daytrana Patch

Wasserprivatisierung in Mecklenburg

today in the SVZ

Monday, November 8, 2010

Kates Playground Nudr

Vorstandssitzung beim ZkWAL

What's wrong with ZkWAL?

Who has turned on by the Local? (As a reminder from the SVZ)
on Wednesday by 17 clock refers to next board meeting instead.

board meetings are not public, but the mayors and other representatives of the member communities the opportunity to give them "attend".

That is, they may be there, but they have no right to speak.

is in exciting times like these, but also very interesting. They move as a responsible body a little closer together and not let only the chosen board members with their difficult task.
can of course take part at preventing their deputies.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Invitation Wording For Twins 3rd Birthday Party


On Wednesday, presenting 10/11/2010, BUND Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Schwerin in the documentary "Water makes money - how private companies make money from water." The event starts 18.00 clock in the Schleswig-Holstein-Haus in Schwerin Puschkinstrasse 12th

The privatization of our natural water resources is progressing globally. More and more people are addicted to companies that market the food number 1, and provide little to ensure sufficient supply of clean drinking water for all people. The retreat of the state from the water supply and sanitation is a problem in Germany. So take companies like Eurawasser water networks in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, lakes are sold by the BVVG. The term "Public Private Partnership type "communities their core activities and hence their influence more and more into private hands. Outcome uncertain. After the movie there is a possibility for discussion as the question of how much influence the citizens of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern have the type of sewage disposal. More Information on the film under www.watermakesmoney.com .

The event is supported by the BUND-Project "citizen participation in nature conservation and environmental protection" generously funded by the North German Foundation for Environment and Development (NUE).

Admission free.

Import Duty, Cosmetics

Privatisiert, teilprivatisiert oder kommunal?

For example, the water supply and waste water association Güstrow - Chip - Sternberg is - actually - privatized. This is not easy to discern. He has statutes and impose fees and contributions as a community association.
You can see that basically at the address:
Carl-Hopp-Straße 1 - 18069 Rostock

The address of the Eurawasser Nord GmbH .
Eurawasser part of Suez and GDF (Gaz de France), worldwide operating corporations that earn money with water. This association has no purpose
own employees more.

And our purpose association?

The ZkWAL was partially privatized in 2001'm late 2010. The management contract was so extensive that all "power" was in the hands of WEMAG. It further concluded additional agreements.
The mayors have really held out only the head and the plans that were created under the provincial government. approved

From 1 re January 2011, this purpose-communalised Association.

And then is there still the city works
Some small municipal utilities, the mayor is the chief of public utilities, for example, in Sternberg. If he - to me Mr. Quandt said years ago on demand - his work is not "properly" do, whether they have been the longest time mayor.

But even here there are differences. Public utilities, which operate beyond the borders of their community and beyond, facing only the supply and disposal of their own citizens for the task.

In Berlin, just published treaties which the country had closed in 1999 with RWE and Veolia. The Berlin Water Works have since grown to 49% in private hands. The companies were guaranteed profits, which were recovered by the fee payers. The prices have increased since then by up to 30%.
When these passages were found to be unlawful by the Constitutional Court, has agreed to an amendment that gave out the back door again exactly the same promise.
The contracts had been submitted to Members only in abbreviated form.

A radio report on the topic:
corruption guards demand public participation in privatization contracts (DRadioKultur)
The Berlin agreements in the "taz" (7.3 MB)

Softball Font Creator


This is something that many cities and dream communities and the has not cost us much money. Now it's up to the mayors, again men in her house - to be - in our home.

This would begin with statutes that everyone can understand without consulting a lawyer with principles, not the butter in small towns in favor of larger.
And with such a radical step.

This includes, honest relationship with each other.

I wonder:
Who commissioned from BKC to create calculations and statutes - and paid for? Who is liable if they do not stand up in court?

Who the law firm WIGU (Mr. Heil) asked - and paid for? Who is liable if the association is subject to court again?
The two ladies from the WEMAG that support Mr. Lange, in the charge that we pay to WEMAG, included?

Where was the municipal supervision for all these years? Who has made sure that the member communities (and ihren Bürgern) kein finanzieller Schaden erwächst?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Brent Corrigan Limewire

SVZ klaut (keine) Leserbriefe

Erstaunt rieb ich mir heute morgen die Augen:

Ein Leserbrief ist abgedruckt, von mir. Ich hab aber keinen hingeschickt.

Woher kommt denn nun der Text?
Von hier, aus meinem Web-blog.

Wie ich soeben von der Lokalredaktion erfuhr, liegt dort ein Zettel mit diesem Text vor, der mit der Post gekommen sei.
Jemand war wohl der Ansicht, dass das in die Zeitung sollte und hat es dort eingereicht.

Herr Köhnke ist z. Zt. nicht da, ihm wäre wahrscheinlich noticed that one end of something I just e-mail.

That is such a thing with the newspaper ....

Would I like to know something published, it is often questioned for the first nor the purpose association. The other way when the ZkWAL has a theme, no one gets the idea that BI ask after their opinion.
Where would we go there because ......?

But now there are more and more Internet connections and other ways to disseminate information.

Where then is the problem?

The problem is that I "suggested" for some time, will keep me out.
in particular the issue Wöbbelin.

The community had asked me in September to take part in talks in the Ministry of Environment. Everybody was there: the top and the lower water authority, the Stalu (state Department of Agriculture and Environment), the expert from the University of Rostock, the purpose of association, the designer (who was supposed to defend his project, but not really opportunity was given) , the Mayor and community representatives.

Since I am in years, with the authorities in Brussels in contact, I know that (not only) in this country practiced type of sewage treatment - especially in view of the high costs for citizens - for sparsely populated rural areas is not provided a foregone conclusion.

So I have expressed my opinion when it suited.
Since the mayor is my back in on the association board. They had told him that I had the assembled experts ... "how to look like a hillbilly."
He would like to avoid in the future.

And now I have not been back "still kept his feet."
I admit I find it extremely difficult for my views to be "obedient". Then I would ask to be convinced with factual arguments.

There is one exception to be coerced.

Been obtained by using the so silence there is growing resentment - and the strength to continue working on other planes on the same topic.

Monday, October 25, 2010

My Mom Wants Me To Smell Her Feet

Wer trifft Entscheidungen?

One purpose of association may not delegate any tasks to a so-called agents.

In any case, the decisions are in fact the association.

reading even hesitate and draw his own conclusions.
Case OVG Weimar
latest from page 11 is it exciting.

Do you know the purpose of our contracts with the association WEMAG, which expires at the end?

Friday, October 22, 2010

All About Parts Of Ships

Ist das Legale auch legitim?

This question arises not only in terms of what happened in Stuttgart.
Germany Kultur, 22.10.2010: Is this legal and legitimate?

Also, if the type of sewage treatment in our state - and not only here but in all rural areas - (supposedly) with the relevant laws, it is questionable whether, in view of the consequences and "demographic change" legitimate. In 1989 it was

advanced methods to purify waste water thoroughly and for recycling.
Economic greed promoted otherwise. And down the country have been and are villages and farms connected to sewage treatment plants that would otherwise - as is often still? - Would not be filled.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Winning The Ohio Pick 3

Der Alte ist der Neue?

On 6th October in the SVZ

If the old and the new CEO?

how it looks at first glance.

But it's quite different.
Mr. Lange was employed by the WEMAG and must announce his new job there.
also for the continued operation of guided tours in the hands of WEMAG you will need to find someone else. 8 hours a day he must Ludwigslust Fliederweg in its work force to the ZkWAL provide.

What will become of the two employees of the WEMAG that Mr. Long until the end of the year ? Support

fact, he then has to cope alone, but he has applied for this position.

The law firm of WEMAG for us maybe a couple of sizes too big.
Mr. Heil has earned us well.
His advice was not always to the benefit of the association and the communities.

The vote is basically more of a confidence vote.
We can probably assume that the big cities (New Town with 14 and Dömitz with 7 votes) voted for him have.

A local resident received 29 votes from the communities. Against those who had the season to leave his mark here.

good Just that not every community has only 1 vote - such as the Shareholders Association WEMAG ........

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Poptropica Where Is The Tablet Of Gods

Beitragssatzungen ZV Parchim/Lübz nichtig

The plaintiffs in the judicial review proceedings against the ZV Parchim / Lübz can expect for now.

SVZ, 16/09/2010

minutes of the sentencing

Then what it is to be seen.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mileana Velba Kitchen

Water Makes Money - der Film

On Wednesday, 10. November, the Bund shows in Schleswig-Holstein-Haus in Schwerin, the film Water Makes Money .

to see more details soon.

Teck Deck Live Online


reported today SVZ our detailed and comprehensive of the dedication of the sewer system in Möllenbeck.

That's very unusual for Mecklenburg:

there to eat and drink and only a few going?

The predecessor of the mayor had given his assent to the canal and now the system is ready. The ZkWAL was invited to the barbecue.

The following decisions are announced within the next 6 weeks, the connections be prepared.

What comes to? There are basically two

cost assessments.

One is the review decision for the "Initial production of the waste water system" throughout the consortium area.
The bill for a residential line is separated from it.

Once the connection is made from the house to the transfer shaft, is the recalculation of the monthly Abschlagsszahlungen.


Almost a million investment for 78 households.
€ 12,820 per household, 60% support for a measure that citizens did not really.

This is what in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern "the promotion of rural development" out.

The ZkWAL alone make it not a reproach. Today takes (almost) everyone can get what he.

And Mr. Lange is obviously succeeded again in convincing the decision makers that this is the right way.

How then probably explains the deficit in the wastewater sector?
Und vor allem: wie man das ausgleichen will?

Zur Erinnerung auch an dieser Stelle wieder:
Der Zweckverband finanziert sich aus Gebühren, Beiträgen und Gemeindeumlagen.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Baseball Skull Sessions

Kanalbau bleibt Thema in Wöbbelin

und mein Leserbrief dazu:

Demokratie oder was?

Wenn man die Entwicklung dieser Geschichte betrachtet, entsteht ein anderer Eindruck.
Die Menschen, die For many years the question of a reasonable treatment of the wastewater have worked in the town have been in the past year, elected by the Wöbbelin to represent them.

In the SPD, for the District to the Environment Minister, but there were apparently other plans. The head of the Supreme Water Authority in the country, Mr Leymann, sits on the board of the association "Wasser Berlin" *). Numerous organizations and associations of water - from the pipe work to the Federal Association of Energy and Water - have expressed to him their confidence.

that our government gives to this man so much power I find quite amazing.

The concept of the 2003 sanitation planning to connect smaller communities, although the EU directive which provides compression only in areas with more than 2,000 population equivalent. They now had even begun with the widespread collection and wanted the high costs of operating the swallows, on many shoulders.

The State allocates for centralized systems many times the funding as necessary for domestic wastewater treatment plants would be the place.

There must be so for reasons other than protecting the environment for these activities.
There may order the load the Kläralage in Neustadt-Glewe go, which was extended due to the completion of the leather factory site years ago. Now the industry seems reluctant settlement proceeds and the existing capacity will be saturated. And surely it is also about jobs.

brought the construction of the lines ZkWAL revenues in the millions of land owners - for the "advantage" they have with the connection. Our county loses constantly inhabitants.

Who really is the good of the citizens entrusted to them in the eye has also thinks of tomorrow. Operating costs per capita are increasing each less we become.
It is concealed that it can not go much longer without community contributions and / or fee increases. While it is human, but not fair to now drop by any means other communities in the boat before it goes down.

This has consequences for all communities and not just for those who now want to save the connection.

Since the report on the concept of a community Wöbbelin Siedlungswasserwirtschaftler the University of Rostock was ordered, the result was a foregone conclusion. The Institute has maintained for years, cooperation with Suez / Eurawasser, a publicly-oriented group, offers the world's water services *).

An independent environmental expert would have Wöbbelin concept is assessed quite differently.

*) for information on the Internet and the blog of the citizens' initiative on wastewater-marsch.de

Maria Griepentrog, Blievenstorf
first Chairman of BI on excessive local taxes in the county Ludwigslust eV

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Aveeda Vsbiolage Shampoo

Erstes Normenkontrollverfahren im Oktober?

early October could be the constitutional review process for drinking water, convened supporting the BI. Then we will see

whether the advice of Lord of the WIGU Heiling good enough and their money was worth.

Some shortcomings identified by the court have been ignored.

But it is anyway:

at sea and in court ....... You have to add yourself to fate.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

What Is The Position Of Your Cervix

Sachsen-Anhalt wird ehrlich

has finally recognized Saxony-Anhalt that are achieving "equivalent living conditions" only with unreasonably high costs.

Stendal wondered whether one could not stagger the water and sewage charges for cable length.

A contribution to recovery in INKA-LSA

me is who compared mit dem Braten auf dem Küchentisch in den Sinn:
Sie haben einen großen Hund, einen leckeren Braten in der Küche und achten nicht auf die Küchentür....

Hat der brave Hund den Braten ein Mal stibitzt, wird er es immer wieder versuchen.
Und nächstes mal knurrt er Sie an, wenn SIE sich in IHREN Sessel setzen wollen.

Wir haben offenbar zu lange stillgehalten.

Wann holen wir uns unseren Sessel zurück??

Monday, August 9, 2010

Onde Encontrar Shiny Stone Pokemon Soul Silver

Der kostengünstige Umgang mit den Regelwerken

Bereits 2001 hat die Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft Wasser einen Leitfaden herausgegeben, der offenbar gern ignoriert wird.
Er wurde zwar hier in Mecklenburg erarbeitet, scheint jedoch weitgehend unbekannt zu sein.

The economical use of the regulations

Monday, July 12, 2010

How To Make A 4x4 Buggy

Swimming pool or a 4th Hotel rooms?

Following the demolition of the outbuildings at the rear Gründstücksteil is not really the question of a swimming pool or build a fourth hotel room.

After much thinking and measure we decided to build a swimming pool. Also for reasons of their own use, as our house does not have and the summer months but can be quite hot.
After nearly a year hotel operations, we can say that it was the right decision. The swimming pool is used by our guests.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Clipart Of Wrestling Shoe

restaurant remodeling

The house had to meet the needs of a restaurant are unbuilt. This included a new water and electricity. Entrance door and windows were replaced. It had a kitchen, a dining room and bar are created. It wurden viele Pläne gemacht und wieder verworfen bis die endgültige Planung stand.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Convert W/w To W/v Using Density

It is winter in Paraguay

Wettervorhersage für Villarrica
Am Mittwoch ist es wechselnd wolkig, gebietsweise scheint die Sonne. Dabei kühlt es sich in den Morgenstunden auf 7 Grad ab, im Tagesverlauf werden dann 21 Grad erreicht. Der Wind weht schwach aus nordöstlichen Richtungen.

Am Donnerstag zeigen sich dichte Wolkenfelder, die uns häufig Regen bringen. Die Tiefsttemperaturen betragen 11 Grad, die Höchstwerte 16 Grad. Dazu weht der Wind schwach aus Nordost bis Ost.

Am Freitag gibt es bei verbreitet dichter Bewölkung keinen Sonnenschein. Dazu kühlt sich die Luft in the early hours at 14 degrees and warms to 17 degrees during the day. The wind was blowing moderately, in gusts up fresh from south-west.

On Saturday, the sun seems widespread, accompanied by some clouds. The air cools off in the morning to 8 degrees during the day and heated up to 19 degrees. The weak to moderate wind blowing from the south.

is spread on Sunday to see the sun. Only here and there shows are very few fair weather clouds and temperatures in the morning to go back to 6 degrees. On the day of the values then rise to 19 degrees. The wind blows slightly to slightly from easterly directions

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Saskatoon Spas Reviews

Allen fathers a umfallfreien days


Heut, hat unser Vater frei,
den Daach sehnt der jed Jahr ebei,
denn heut wie alle Leut bekannt,
is Vadderdach im ganze Land.

Morjens freu, do geht´s schon los,
er zieht o sei Söfferhos.
Frisch geduscht, un aach rasiert,
un mit Deo eigeschmiert.

„Mir zeuje los mem Bollerwache,
des ganze Bier kann mer net trache.
Mutter geb den Presskopp mit,
denn unnerwegs gibt´s Abbedit“.

„Vergess aach net die Lewwerwurscht,
so rischdisch schaff, gibt´s rischdisch Durscht.
En Korn, der darf dann aach net fehle,
damit uns net des Fett tut queele.

"You pack up everything in the cooling Dasch,
schee the sun shine all around us in Nagg.
mother yelling, oh maan's arrived then,
Zeje case of beer for men siwwe

mother thinks, oh welch'en stuff, the guy who
only Schunn Dehame. He
moch in the barn Lesche
to his squad there ze fleesche

. I ask because

de Aamer Naus
drunk kemmt the net into the house. Each year
de selwe crap
Rou ka until he is drunk.

Un if he pukes in the night,
wirs'de aach yet been pimped.
How's our main Mutterdaach
coffee on the bed, which waas then aach.

Will ich da aach mal esse geh,
do hääst´s heut is des gar net schee,
die Wirtschafde sinn all so voll,
koch selbst, das mächsde doch so toll.

Die anzisch Hoffnung, die mer bleibt,
dass es das net mehr lang so treibt.
Dem Alter zollt er sein Tribut,
das Saufe dut im net mehr gut


Drei Daach is er ausser Gefecht,
hernach es ihm kaan Spass mehr mescht.
Un eines Daach´s wird es so sei,
am Vadderdaach bleibt er deheim.

Das dümmste Ding auf Erden,
sollte einst der Affe werden.
Doch der Plan ging voll daneben..
so begann der Mann zu leben.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Average Pricing For Car Starters

outside work

Nachdem Klempner, Electricians and tilers had finished their work came the painters and masons went on outside. Because it looks pretty, the exterior walls with thin stone slabs, to disguise the amount of window. The terraces also got this natural stone, but a thicker version. Can be cleaned, if difficult to see but good and are sure-footed than tiles.