SVZ klaut (keine) Leserbriefe
Erstaunt rieb ich mir heute morgen die Augen:
Ein Leserbrief ist abgedruckt, von mir. Ich hab aber keinen hingeschickt.
Woher kommt denn nun der Text?
Von hier, aus meinem Web-blog.
Wie ich soeben von der Lokalredaktion erfuhr, liegt dort ein Zettel mit diesem Text vor, der mit der Post gekommen sei.
Jemand war wohl der Ansicht, dass das in die Zeitung sollte und hat es dort eingereicht.
Herr Köhnke ist z. Zt. nicht da, ihm wäre wahrscheinlich noticed that one end of something I just e-mail.
That is such a thing with the newspaper ....
Would I like to know something published, it is often questioned for the first nor the purpose association. The other way when the ZkWAL has a theme, no one gets the idea that BI ask after their opinion.
Where would we go there because ......?
But now there are more and more Internet connections and other ways to disseminate information.
Where then is the problem?
The problem is that I "suggested" for some time, will keep me out.
in particular the issue Wöbbelin.
The community had asked me in September to take part in talks in the Ministry of Environment. Everybody was there: the top and the lower water authority, the Stalu (state Department of Agriculture and Environment), the expert from the University of Rostock, the purpose of association, the designer (who was supposed to defend his project, but not really opportunity was given) , the Mayor and community representatives.
Since I am in years, with the authorities in Brussels in contact, I know that (not only) in this country practiced type of sewage treatment - especially in view of the high costs for citizens - for sparsely populated rural areas is not provided a foregone conclusion.
So I have expressed my opinion when it suited.
Since the mayor is my back in on the association board. They had told him that I had the assembled experts ... "how to look like a hillbilly."
He would like to avoid in the future.
And now I have not been back "still kept his feet."
I admit I find it extremely difficult for my views to be "obedient". Then I would ask to be convinced with factual arguments.
There is one exception to be coerced.
Been obtained by using the so silence there is growing resentment - and the strength to continue working on other planes on the same topic.
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