Tuesday, February 15, 2011

All About Parts Of Ship

Once again news ...


it has passed a lot of time and I will list me what happened!
Last week Friday we looked at first with Luis and Nieta of a sunset on the beach at Ipanema. The sun sank in the sea and all the people applauded this beautiful spectacle of nature! Then we went first a swim, which was very refreshing! It also then cooled to below 30 degrees and we were happy in a bikini (Beni and Luis in swimwear) back to Luis and Nietas apartment!
Then we were finally back home to eat .... we visited a Turkish snack;) Although there were no kebab in Germany, but falafel, humus Köfte and delicious! Almost like home!
We got to know Luis son, eager to eat followed Big Brother on television. This Luis had to say the following: My son is studying much, likes to study, can handle money well, does not drink, does not smoke, speaks many languages .... And watching Big Brother;) On Saturday we drove back to GEFEP to music . Make We practiced some Brazilian pieces, especially one that is no longer with us from the head. It is Brasileirinho, you will get to hear it!
lunch we had a meeting with a man who organized help for people affected by the heavy rains.
He described the situation and asked us for assistance. Especially for me (Beni) is an interesting issue. The district in which the husband works has only a Krabkenschwester, but because she works for the police, is withdrawn at the weekend. On Wednesday we met again and agreed with him that we go there on Saturday and would look at the area. We wanted to Valério stay with one night there and help distribute relief supplies, sort and make food. Otherwise it was
relaxed this week beautiful. Monday Tuesday we had free and Luis were at the Copacabana.
Wednesday we met up in the morning GEFEP to clean up. An important politician wanted to inspect the project and a few minutes later a young man rushed through the house with an older woman, whom we suspect that they were the important people. We had to definitely be back soon to present Irish music and ready for a photo.
afternoon I should (Soffi) then have my first student. But well, it is not then appeared, and no one has a word lost over it. When I asked if anyone has seen them, "said Terezinha just that no one was there. Should therefore probably be normal here.
On Thursday morning we were back in the local office hours and this time the doctor had found a way to us. Also, the physical therapist was there and gave me a nice massage given, and set right at least 10 vertebrae. Yet there is quite capacious, and then I felt quite relaxed. After Luis
appeared at once to fetch us for dinner. Very nice! He showed us the giant Maracana stadium, which is currently closed for works for the Copa do mundo / for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil! Oh by the way: Who is coming?
Wir werden uns auf jeden Fall Karten besorgen!
Bis jetzt gefällt es mir in Rio wirklich richtig gut. Mag auch daran liegen, dass die Stadt besser mit Systemen wie einer regelmäßigen Müllabfuhr oder mit mehr Aufmerksamkeit seitens der Regierung versorgt ist. Aber insgesamt tut man hier viel fürs Flair, natürlich auch, damit die Touristen bleiben. Es stinkt weniger, die Infrastruktur ist besser, die Straßen haben weniger Schlaglöcher, große Teile der Stadt sind nicht alt und verfallen, es gibt internationales Essen oder Biere und für jeden Geschmack Möglichkeiten wegzugehn.
Was sehr suspekt ist, ist die ständige Präsenz der Militärpolizei, die sich wie kleine Könige an ihren Points up.
is For example, the road of the project at the entrance of a favela. Every day and every night there patrolling policemen.
Sorry but keeps a majority of at least 10 (!) Ever-present police officers in the Padaria in which we like to eat lunch.
are On Wednesday, we also turned up with at least 10 men there and the police are not moving from their tables away. They had already eaten and were sitting at different points in the small space of Padaria, so we had no place. We waited about min 15th until one of us just sat down next to the police at the table. Then another 10 minutes until the last of documented and compared to his colleagues at the table had set. They seemed very arrogant.
Today on the way to work saw Beni, as they have occurred on a man who has complained about anything. Without words.
And they are everywhere, which is of course an advantage, I guess less is simply made, but huge jeeps and armored vehicles with blue lights at each corner are very intimidating.
I wonder how the situation will develop further.
later than 2014 will have the whole world an eye on Brazil!
Today is Monday and we are about twelve hours ago from Friburgu returned. (So is the city that raged in the extreme rainfall) We are at the Saturday at 6:00 with Aldo, his wife and drove off Valério. Aldo's wife's name we do not know, as there often is the custom to present the women as "my wife / girlfriend." We drove about three hours and have seen many stunning images along the way, including Rio's favelas comfort with approximately 1,000,000 inhabitants.
We are in Serrana, the region where the emergency has occurred, reached a large market, which serves as a hub for all goods to supply the hinterland of the town of Nova Friburgu. A few volunteers have stood around in small groups or sat and discussed. We should know more later, that this is the actual Main work.
We then went into a room, lying around in all sorts of clothes. Toilet paper, soap, diapers, baby food and some boxes of medicines.
"Beni, You're a nurse. What drugs people need probably the most?" "What are the problems that people have for most?"
"blood pressure!" I then packed up a little bit what, Valério and Sophia have made a list and we left. First we went to a house which currently has about 50 people shelter.
It has a small hospital room where a nurse and works daily 1x/week a doctor. The nurse had gone away, unfortunately, just and the doctor should come first in 3 hours. Even in this room were piled boxes of drugs of all kinds.
"Beni, what drugs are still missing here?" I am a bit of rummaging through the boxes, but could get no proper overview. We were just there a few things.
I was still a man to measure the blood pressure and make happy a woman with a tube of antifungal cream. Then we talked and played with the many children who live there.
Then we drove to a place where Aldo suspected According to relevant information, a lonely man who would have lost his entire family. We asked the residents of the street, but knew him only about half the der Leute, wussten aber nicht ob oder wohin er gegangen war. Stattdessen zeigte uns ein Mann sein Haus. Bei einem Blick aus dem Schlafzimmerfenster konnten wir erahnen, was hier passiert ist.
Vor einer grossen, nur noch aus rotem Sand bestehenden Bergwand, lag eine brache Ebene in die sich die Schlamm Lawine mit aller Macht ihren Weg gebahnt hatte. In dieser Ebene hatten flaechenmaessig bestimmt 40 Einfamilienhaeuser platz, aber der Boden bestand nur noch aus rotem Schlamm, Wurzeln, Baeumen und Wasser. Die Schlammlawine hatte nur zwei oder drei Haeuser uebriggelassen. In einem von Ihnen standen wir mit der Familie. Alle restlichen Haeuser, die gesamten Sachen und die Menschen darin, lagen bestimmt 20 Meter unter der Erde, ohne eine Moeglichkeit sie to recover and bury it.
the house next door you could see the force of the water masses, as even the ceiling in the ground filled with mud and the remains of leaves was etc. Welch was really scary to go through there and to imagine how the avalanche uebberrascht people have in their home and must force it has paved its way.
told in the interview the residents that they had heard about 2 clock at night, a loud noise and then solved a large part of the mountain behind their homes by the floods and how the cat was rushed installed.
The view from the window of the family was directed exactly to the hill, towering over the still of the plane and its structure hinted that he one not renewed will withstand rain.
The residents also said that there are much more affected areas, such as the town of Nova Friburgo.
Total estimated the death toll at 1,200 people, but there are still at least as many disappeared.
A man we met in the large market told us even from a plane into a mudslide crashed is said to have survived in the no man. Since there was no Uelebenden, the government simply denied the existence of this area.
When we returned after visiting the market went, we got a sense of the helplessness of the workers.
work here mainly volunteers. At the beginning of the disaster were also NGOs wie die Bombeiros (Feuerwehrleute) oder das Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais (portugiesisch für „Bataillon für spezielle Polizeioperationen“) beteiligt. Aber einen Monat nach den Ereignissen gibt es keine Unterstuetzung der Regierung und kein staatliches Interesse an einer Organisation der Hilfe. So wuehlen sich die ehrenamtlichen Helfer mehr schlecht als Recht durch ein Meer an Aufgaben. Viele der Volunteers sind sehr jung und haben sich einer Gruppe angeschlossen, die von dem deutschen Klaus koordiniert wird. Mittlerweile ist es soweit, dass die Helfergruppen sich voneinander abschotten und sich mit dem zurueckhalten von Informationen gegenseitig bekaempfen.
So erlebten wir mit, wie Aldo Klaus die Emailadresse a Japanese aid agency refused. He said: "You're not my boss, I'm a grown man, I let me not tell you what I do!"
It was just unbelievable! It describes very vividly, the feelings we lived through. Because if not pull even the helpers work together, how should arrive at all help the people?
The worst, however, that the government refused any help. The area of the disaster is really huge.
three large cities, Nova Friburgo, Tresopolis and Petropolis, are affected and also the rural areas around the cities around. Are everywhere at the same time after the heavy rains, stopped huge parts of the mountains and drove through a mud avalanches. On our trips through the area we have seen this countless mudslides. Everywhere in the mountains could be seen from afar, surrounded by forest, red earth's surface, which are uebriggeblieben after the landslides.
So are the few aid workers on a huge task and have no professional support. has a disaster of this kind in Brazil, where ever and no one knows how to act in this case.
There is no central coordination, no organization, which makes the further development impossible.
So you have not, for example lists of stocks of medicines, no information as to who has already got that and if so, how viele.Ausserdem there is no medical Personal, dass die Medikamente verabreichen kann.
Die Helfer haben ein Lager voller Sachen, die aus dem Ausland geschickt wurden, aber keinen Ueberblick wer schon was bekommen hat und wie man diejenigen erreicht, die nicht zu Markt kommen und sich etwas abholen koennen.
Die Hilfsgueter wurden einfach ohne jede Ordnung uebereinander in die naechstbesten Raeume geschmissen, in denen sich jetzt ungeoeffnete Kisten, offene Kisten, Medikamente, Toillettenpapier, Lebensmittel usw uebereinander stapeln.
Im dem Raum, in dem sich die Helfer aufhalten und dort auch selber essen, steht alles volll mit geoeffneten Packungen, leeren Dosen oder geoeffneten Lebensmittelkisten.
Ich hatte den Eindruck, dass dort auch soetwas wie eine Headquarters was set up as there are computers and internet, but things I would have thought there, for Example plans of the environment with which one could systematically allocated aid, or databases in which all information for all stores open and you can , it was not.
were on the second day we will wake from Arbeitsgeraeuschen. We looked out our bedroom and saw 50 or 60 people, the cargoes of several fully loaded trucks in the great assembly camp dragged. We saw many people with cowboy hats, boots and vast Buckle. If all the truckers all over the world well-Cowboys?
We then met at breakfast a man of us in the events of his Environment reported. He asked us for help and wanted to show us around. We all jumped into the back of his truck and drove off. First it was
to a small settlement of houses that have been hit hard by the rains. The cottages are situated on a river. The course of this river has shifted to approximately 20-30 meters, and flows now, therefore, where houses stood before that. This he has completely washed away. People now want to build new Houses, but at the same location. We philosophizing about it, if you dig the river bed, or could create a dike to prevent a future bank of the border. Valerio and we actually were, however, agree that here we do not build houses at all anymore. We drove
on to the nephew of our driver, who had lost his daughter in a landslide, but his son could still be saved
. In tears, he showed us the pictures of his daughter, he could save the.
then took us to the man in the house where he lived. All around a mudslide that destroyed buildings and houses, so I can imagine that the survivors are now living together in the house, which still stands. We drank coffee and listened to the stories of the families. I had the feeling, listening has already helped.
Aldo wrote down all the time names and phone numbers where these were available to send to help them. After we had
zurueckgbracht the man we saw again a dispute. The man wanted food for his nephew, who had lost his daughter to take, but the aid workers had been denied the ration, since each person only once what may be published. He then became angry and sped off. His three sons who also worked there as a helper left, now angry at the storage area. As Aldo was uebzeugen aid workers believe that this family needs support, we invited the ration into the car and went in search!
Now we drove through winding streets of the mountains and tried the dilapidated family home found. On the way we asked a woman to the family, after which they were on their motorcycle swung behind her young daughter sat on it and priority drove. As the wind rushed from house to house, asking around, invited another woman on a motorbike who knew where the family lives and was a great help. Ultimately we found the family who had found shelter with friends and delivered the food from you.
There was already dark, we had to quickly back behind the woman her out of the maze of streets, to find back.
We loaded our stuff still in the market and made our way back to Rio.
And now we sit here in our "home" and think of the people we have seen and experienced.
As outsiders, we have the feeling that you can do little but to achieve at least a little bit, in which we at this info information euch weitergeben. Die Berichterstattung ueber dieses Ereignis ist unbefriedigend und das wahrscheinlich auch gewollt, da die Regierung nicht daran interessiert ist, das Leiden der Menschen oeffentlich zu machen, da sie sich sonst auch darum kuemmern muesste.
Wir haben Aldo immer wieder dazu aufgefordert ein grosses Treffen mit allen Helfern, Anwohnern und Betroffenen einzuberufen, um die Menschen zu mobilisieren. Wir haben den Vorschlag geaeussert, die Situation oeffentlich zu machen, Zeitungen anzuschreiben, das Fernsehen dorthinzuholen, aber sind auf taube Ohren gestossen. er erwiderte nur: " Dafuer kann man die Leute nicht begeistern, fuer Karneval kriegt man viele Leute zusammen, aber dafuer nicht!"
Was soll man dazu sagen? Er hat uns erzaehlt, dass der Charakter der Brasilianer dazu neigt, sich einer Situation zu ergeben und hat trozdem nicht die Weitsicht, zu sehen wie sehr er diesem Bild entspricht.
Wenn wir also vor Ort nicht helfen koennen werden wir versuchen, diese Informationen weiterzugeben. Mal sehen was passiert.
Das war`s erstmal wieder von uns. Fotos von diesem Wochenende findet ihr natuerlich wieder in den naechsten Tagen im Blogger.
Bis bald,
Sophia und Beni


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