Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sportscraft Arcade Hoops Warranty

Verbal and other aspects of my life

always strikes me that this dates will be planned very much shorter notice than in Germany. Occasionally I go to Ekaterina Alexandrovna at the Department of Russian as a foreign language to let me answer my questions about Russian grammar. When I wanted to make a date for the next two weeks, she laughed. "Until then, however much time passes. Let us call a few days before!"

On my journey through the rich world of Russian I - made an intermediate stop at the verbal aspects - yet again. Even at a relatively early yes, every Russian student confronted with the fact that almost jedes Verb in zweifacher Ausführung gibt, im "unvollendeten Aspekt" und im "vollendeten Aspekt". Welcher Aspekt nun verwendet werden muss, hängt - ganz grob gesprochen - davon ab, ob man den Prozess oder das Resultat einer Handlung betont. Meistens kann man sich das nicht frei aussuchen, sondern es ergibt sich aus dem Kontext, das heißt, je nachdem, in welchem Satz man das Verb verwendet, ist nur eine Variante richtig. Dafür gibt es nun einen Berg von Regeln, die alle richtig anwenden zu können für mich wohl eine ewige Aufgabe bleiben wird. "Die Aspekte sind das Salz der russischen Sprache", meint Katerina Alexandrowna, "das lernen Ausländer fast nie hundertprozentig".

Wenn ich sagen möchte "Er the window has opened, "then I say" On atkryvál AKNÖ "when the window is now closed (unfinished aspect), and" On atkrýl AKNÖ "when the window is still open (perfect aspect), so if the result of action is still present. "I have not solved the problem" is either "Yes nje rischál sadátschu" if I had not even begun, and "Yes nje rischíl sadátschu," if I tried, but not come to a result am. When I walk through the city, and in front of a pile of snow stand that makes it objectively impossible for me to cross the road at this point, I say "Nilsjá pirejití úlizu Chernobyl, "and if it is theoretically possible, but I shall prohibit a militia officer in it, then I say" Nilsjá pirechodít úlizu Chernobyl "- two ways to say so," You can not cross the road, "depending on whether it is objectively impossible or prohibited
lot to think -. in this way in speaking to me here rarely boring

Every morning around 6:15 to 7:25 clock I sit, green tea and "Tan" (a salty, sour milk beverage. ) sipping a little at my desk, translate, vocabulary, writing on index cards or read Akunin or a book on Russian Czar gelegentlich das Wörterbuch zuhilfe nehmend. Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit ist mir klar geworden, dass es viele Menschen gibt, die sich mit einer geistigen oder künstlerischen Tätigkeit beschäftigen, solange sie Konzentration, Schwung oder Inspiration dazu haben und dann aufhören, wenn eine Sache zuende geführt ist. Ich hingegen gehöre zu den Leuten, die meistens schon bevor sie etwas beginnen, wissen, wann sie es beenden werden. Manchmal erscheint mir dieses Leben nach der Uhr etwas unkreativ. Aber dann tröste ich mich damit, dass es ja durchaus berühmte Persönlichkeiten gibt, die es ähnlich machten: Tschaikowski hat wohl jeden Vormittag zwei Stunden komponiert, egal, ob er gerade Ideen hatte oder nicht.
As for the receptive language skills, so my resistance with quite fruit. I can now understand with much profit and newspapers in general and books (and the quickly spoken messages on Wjesti FM). Much more difficult to design the process of their own speech, when I want to share not only about everyday things, but wants to explain, for example, that the average life expectancy in Germany has doubled in the last 130 years. But I'm working on it. The sentence I can now, however: "Srédnjaja prodolzhítelnost zhýsni w germánij Sat paslédnye stotrízat ljet udwóilas."

rarity in the week, on Friday, breaking I made my rhythm from early risers and seats up to two clock at night in a bar called "Podlódka" (in German: U-boat) with some nice other young people. Normally I would be in the German nightlife rather unobtrusive gray mouse. But here I enjoy a "foreigner bonus," I am delighted that the people for Germany are interested in and answer, sipping my non-alcoholic cocktail, questions about the prices of cars, gasoline and prostitutes in my country (though I do not always give reliable information can). I participate enthusiastically in the "Mafia" - Play: a 1986 made-in Russia and is now found worldwide, very communicative board game. Since my course clock at half past two, no one gets involved into the dorm, I differ on the night with my colleague from Germany, lives here in a normal rented flat.

My lunch on Sunday a week ago, I have again taken in the restaurant, Kafe Sheriff ". During the subsequent coffee with chocolate (unfortunately applies to Russian chocolate: the more beautiful the paper, the more moderate the taste, so I have to always decide: either send Alyonka-childlike and dubious chemicals on the tongue or unadorned "Rosh" design, but it correct chocolate told) me Rita from her just finished teaching a distance learning institution Khabarovsk. The theoretschen Part of the diploma she had bought, as is common practice, as do the practical part, however, had actually accomplished something with their own experiences, it has made to the auditor a very good impression. Gets because the Commission does not quickly find out by asking questions that has concerned not the candidate with the theory? "The want to know do not do that! Make extra very primitive questions so that the student can save face!" I was amazed. Why is that? "The institution must demonstrate as many successful exits, otherwise it gets no money, no one is interested in exposing poor students."
This is probably the dilemma of the Russian higher education general - there are too many educational institutions, but there are all want and need them to students.

was recently watching the movie Kak yes prawjól Etim ljétom "seen (" How I spent this summer ", with conscious linguistic error in the title), one of the winners at the Berlinale 2010. They show two men on a polar station in the far north of Russia - fantastic landscapes and a slowness of the plot development reminiscent of Tarkovsky. "What a boring movie," said one of my students, "yet the lives of many Russians every day." It is probably interesting for civilization supersaturated Europeans die sich für Tundranatur und Polareinsamkeit erwärmen können.

Zu Gast bei den Deutsch-
Studenten des 1. Semesters:
v.r.n.l. Tony, Sascha, Anja, ich, Anja 2, Shenja (Jewgenija) und Shenja (Jewgenij), die Eltern von Anja

Jeden Donnerstag kommt die Wasser-
lieferung. Der Zusteller stellt den 19-Liter-
Behälter bei der Dezhurnaja ab und ich rolle ihn dann durch den Gang zu mir


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