Saturday, February 19, 2011

Is It Ok To Exercise During A Herpes Out

visit from Germany

Privacy Policy does not seem so great at Russian universities geschrieben zu werden. Nicht nur, dass Prüfungsergebnisse öffentlich in der Gruppe verkündet werden - neben dem Stundenplan am Schwarzen Brett hängt ein Zettel, auf dem namentlich alle Studenten verzeichnet sind, die Ausstände bei der Wohnheimmiete haben, mit einer genauen Angabe der Schuldenhöhe in Rubeln. Die beiden Studenten mit den höchsten Beträgen werden "zur sofortigen Aussprache ins Dekanat wegen systematischem Nicht-Bezahlen" gebeten. "Wahrscheinlich ist das die einzige Art, die Leute zum Zahlen zu bewegen", vermutet meine deutsche Kollegin, "die Leute öffentlich an den Pranger zu stellen."

Auf der anderen Seite des Amur, gegenüber der südlichen Stadtteile Chabarowsks, liegt die Große Ussuriysk Island (Bolshoi Ussurijskij). It is located right where the Ussuri flows into the Amur and extends nearly 40 kilometers to the west. The island is a war booty from an armed conflict with China in 1929, its western half in 2005 was again transferred to the neighboring country. Last weekend I visited the village Tschumka there from a visit to what one on the river over the ice down, almost 3 km long road: two-story, often empty and decaying stone or wooden buildings in the center, around which many small wooden houses group, a business - and I was quite amazed - a school. The 400 residents of the village, in summer only by boat in the city, in winter when the ice is thick enough, with the car on the road officially released, and in the interim period - apparently not.
Yesterday I happened to find an article in the local newspaper "Habarovsky Wjesti list Tschumka. Under the heading "island communism" is described that every 5th Residents of the village do not require, to pay utility bills for his apartment or his house. One from the mainland who traveled Commission tried in vain to find a few of the people and to confront. "So the Tschumkiner live on their island, to which it has driven the life times now, and be deterred from any commissions or penalties," concludes the report.

The number of Germans in Khabarovsk has increased since a few days by 50 percent (from 2 to 3)! On Thursday I picked John up at the station, the first of my friends and acquaintances who have managed to visit me here at the other end of the Eurasian land mass. "Nice to have solid ground under their feet," he said when I picked him at the station - (! Only way for the equivalent of 135 euros) are understandable after 6 days of continuous train ride from Moscow. When he whistles while the stairs in the dorm went up, I told him that one does not whistle in Russia in buildings. "This brings disaster, they say. But for that you may here on the street spit on the floor, and no one will look at you funny. "Each culture has up their own standards.
" A prejudice has ever been confirmed, "said John, when I asked him about his trip questioned." Namely, that it would be dangerous to drive a train through Russia. If we set up contact with his fellow passengers and said a few kind words, any suspicions quickly fades and you realize - the people are as peaceful as oneself "His first impression of Khabarovsk?" Very cold, but very bright "Something! I can confirm -. almost every day here is a sunny
may I take no guests in the hostel for the night, has at John Couch surfer Tatjana quartered. She went with him to the post office for registration. The rules were tightened, and probably more recently you have to make when leaving the airport, the original of registration certificate, you can risk not more, perhaps even without getting through.

On Pushkin
monument in front of my university

John before an ice art-

delicious standard
supply in fast-
restaurant "Blin"
borscht and pancakes (= pancake, pancake)

view of the Amur river on the island of Ussuriysk

With Propellor on the back-equipped Delta aircraft

The Eisüber-
crossing the Ussuriysk-
Island of Khabarovsk from

The road across the ice to Khabarovsk from the settlement Tschumka from the scrub is a small offshore island


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