Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Best Mid Priced Avr Receiver

news from Rio

Hallo Freunde,

endlich finden wir mal wieder die Zeit, ein paar Zeilen an Euch zu richten.

Ich (Sophia) weiss gar nicht, wo ich anfangen soll.


We have finally managed Terezinha to call and have the same day (27.01.) Visited the project GEFEP the first time. We got to know the premises and some of its employees.
The project is headquartered at Rua Aureliano de Portugal in the district of Rio in Rio de Janeiro Comprido. The road is surrounded by favelas, where many poor people live together in small spaces. Often these people live in makeshift huts or houses built, which they can build without a permit. They have no land or country and go at a place where they can stay.
The Brazilian government has already started working on this problem in which the landless people Money is made available. But especially in the big cities you can control the growth of the areas badly.
We have also visited a neighborhood in Recife, Brasilia Teimosa is called, which means: fat-man Brazil. The people there had built their houses without permission, so that the Brazilian government had demolished it. The people built their houses but just again, as they had no other place or knew where they could live. The police tried repeatedly to evict the people, but as long as they built their houses on again until the government finally gave up.
it was found is also the name of the district. But back
after Rio: The judge
What the project is mainly for people mentioned in the favelas. The head of the project, Terezinha is retired social worker and coordinates the various volunteer services.
Also accompanied Brazilian students who go after the theoretical part of their studies in a two-year practical training period. They meet in the house to organize the project and individual projects or through debriefings.
The house has a large living room as the entrance. There is plenty of room for large meetings and conferences. Here is the job of Terezinha. In the rear basement you can find a room full of clothes for a bazaar to be collected by the organization collects the money for their projects. There is also a kitchen and outdoor patio. Here are courses held with guitar students, Luis explained to us that is a guitar teacher. On the first floor of the house are even more classrooms. On the left is a room with computers, working from the children with the notes, but can also be used in their spare time. Behind it is a small office of Luis, with his instruments. It stores here several electric guitars, classical guitars, drums and wind instruments. The project is a position of the Ponto de Cultura, supported by the Brazilian Minister of Education with funds is. The current Brazilian Minister of Culture Gilberto Gil is a musician and invests in projects that give Brazilian music and culture. Besides Luis
office is a space that is largely empty, as it is for dance lessons, but also the interplay of many musicians. They have the space here to teach larger groups of students or even to join a large guitar amplifier. Furthermore, there are still rooms to teach art works and.
is in the backyard is also a small studio, the students can rent cheap, for me to record their own music and videos to cut it. There we presented on the first day directly a young person a self-produced video, which he had written the music and recorded. The result is it really well. We also got to know
Valério, who comes from Italy, also a musician and voluntary work as a piano teacher and girls make everything for the project.
As in Brazil to 6 February are summer vacation, were placed in the house no courses. On Saturday morning, Luis, there are guitar lessons and we agreed to make music. We met some of his students. It was the first guitar students there who just learned the blues when we arrived. Beni and I then played one of our songs and then sat down with two accordion students, three singers, Drummers, Valério, who played keybord and Luis, between the flute, guitar and bass moved back and forth together.
We met a couple of traditional Brazilian music styles, such as forró, samba and bossa nova. The pieces we played were really interesting and quite different from what we know from Germany. Above all, we find it nice that here, too many young people are concerned with traditional Brazilian music and feel connected with her. The pieces of the various styles of music are similar to German folklore, or the parts of German singer-songwriters like Hannes Wader or Reinhard Mey, only much more popular and famous.
have so Saturday morning we all sat together, played, improvised and learned. Beni and I also performed a few pieces of our band, good night folks and some original songs that the others have liked.
Besides all the work we had of course a little time for pleasure;) So on Friday we went shopping with Luis and food are gone and the chemistry was right from the start. So we walked, already very silly begun of the supermarket, when suddenly, an employee of the supermarket has prices and offers carry forward singing.
He was heard and sang happy very happy with favorable prices.
I laughed myself half to death. Danach waren wir mit Luis und seiner Freundin Nieta in einer Bar an der Copacabana in der es ca. 20 verschiedene Sorten Bier gab , auch ein paar deutsche!!
Es gab Leckeres Franziskaner und Erdinger, was hier sehr beliebt ist.
Beni hat dann sein Murphys genossen, was natürlich zu einer interessanten Diskussion über die Stickstoffkugel in der Dose (gezapft wurde natürlich nicht) geführt hat.(Was heisst eigentlich "Stickstoff" auf portugiesisch?!!) Nieta hat die Dose dann als Andenken mitgenommen.

Da es in Rio im Moment wirklich unglaublich heiß ist, haben wir noch einen Abstecher ans Meer gemacht, also DAS Meer an DER Copacabana.

Jeden Tag sind es jetzt mindestens 40 Grad und abends kühlt es dann auf erträgliche 31/32 Grad ab.
Das ist echt eine krasse Hitze, bei der selbst ich bei jeder Bewegung schwitze. Beni hat sich direkt total erkältet, weil wir am Donnerstag mit Terezinha in einer Shopping Mal mit Air Condition waren. Es ist kaum zu glauben, wie doll die Luft darin abgekühlt wird. Ich weiß, dass 20 Grad nicht kalt sind, aber wenn man völlig verschwitzt aus dem 40 Grad heißen Rio kommt...tja jetzt läuft Beni die Nase in der größten Hitze.
Nach dem Musik machen am Samstag sind wir dann los, um zum Strand zu fahren, das heißt wir wanted until just eat. For this I must declare that we have now found that in Brazil is all about as, as we are just at the end of a nice family reunion and everyone is already, but no one really wants to go.
We were a long time in the house of the project, tried out this and this instrument JamTen rum, Beni and I gathered our things and promptly had the guys around in the kitchen because they are out of hunger first boiled coffee. Then we were eating and what it was but still tasty dessert. After paying the ordered Luis "still just" three Cafezinhos and we stood around in front of the cashier. Now we went to Luis and Nietas apartment in the Copacabana district and drove us out there have the time or try something with an instrument that is used in Capoeira (a kind of athletic dance-martial art).
When we had arrived at the beach then it is 5 clock, but no one's bothered. We have really only talked nonsense the whole time and made. Once we were back in the apartment, we really wanted Luis to bring home, but first we have again rumgestanden.
Nieta and Luis have shown a special Limettenart for caipirinha, it was Brazil nuts, for care:
"Two hold a day healthy!"

After that we should try Luis' whiskey and various self-mixed stuff and eat lots of fruit. Simply beautiful! Later we met up with Luis and Nieta, Nietas parents and Valério and Joana (a student of Luis) in the district of St. Cristoval. There is a kind of amusement park for Brazilian music lovers. Man pays two reais and has on 10 different stages music. Also, of course the obligatory shopping Getüntel food stalls, but a huge area by any means. Because we have let it go really well and I have danced to the Beni Forró (!) A successful round day. Today, everything was quiet. We have cleaned, cooked and eaten in the evening with Joan and Valério. Good night.
Beni here: When
Eating with Valério and Joana we discovered a problem in our house.
We had very fact some roommates, of which we knew nothing until now. In addition to the ordinary ants, mosquitoes and other house-flies, it had also two cute cockroaches made us comfortable. We tried to put them in front of the door, but it escaped us again and again under any closets.

We went to sleep first and then thought the little monsters would probably polish off by itself. The next morning, no Insects to be seen.
We went to the organization to Terezinha to help with anything. It turned out that she wanted to do away with us the courtyard of the house.
We rolled up our sleeves and then plunged right into the work, as we have learned from our parents and always internalized. Apparently we met that does not quite Tere Zinhas sense of order. If one of us crazy any furniture to make in the last corner (thanks Mom!) Clean, we got a quick "We do not need!" to hear.
swept Thus we finally wiped a bit here, a square meter of the court, swept the half of the leaves together and wore old or broken belongings from one corner in the other. Now again there was order.
very worn out from this hard work we went to shower first. Since Sophia was torn this morning when a violin string, we drove off with Luis and Valério to buy new ones. Of course we stopped halfway to first again to go eat. Then we showed Luis nor his recording studio, where he works with his partner. It mainly produces jingles for radio commercials, etc.
some point we really were in the music business and bought the violin strings. I took the opportunity to still buy a few Plek. Now hold on tight: a Plek cost me in this Brazilian music business 3 reais, or about 1.50 euros. We drove back to GEFEP, where even some students Luis waited on that should have been given one hour lessons. We made music together and then went to eat again. When we returned in the evening in our little house, we noticed that the two Hausgaeste had probably told your friends from this beautiful place. Alone in the kitchen bustled 5 cockroaches and all other rooms, we found at least one. As we saw in the bedroom flit around a bit, we walked over to the main house and slept a night on the sofas in the lounge. The next day, so yesterday, we went together with Valério to seek a new place. He told us of a house in which he had already lived for several months. When we got there, unfortunately the owner was not home. Wir nahmen eine Telefonnummer mit und fuhren zurueck.
Abends fuhren wir mit Valério, Nieta und Luis erneut los, um das Haus aufzusuchen. Natuerlich machten wir auf dem Weg einen Zwischenstopp, um zu Abend zu essen. Es gab leckere Pizza und massig Caipirinha und Bier. Wir kamen irgendwann auch am Haus von Giovanni an. Er war da und nach kurzem Ueberlegen gab er uns ein Doppelzimmer fuer zu einem besonderen Freundschaftspreis. Da wir ueber Karneval bleiben , muessen wir ein bisschen mehr zahlen als gewoehnlich. Fuer umgerechnet ca. 1000 Euro koennen wir jetzt aber bis Ende Maerz hierbleiben. Juhuuu!
Unser neues Zuhause ist echt super! In diesem riesigen Haus haben ca. 20 Leute Platz, es gibt eine Gemeinschaftskueche und mehrere Baeder. Alles ist wirklich sauber and still works. Giovanni is working with an organization that teaches the volunteer work in foreign girls. So here jump about ten about 19 year old girls from England (mainly), Norway, Argentina, etc. around. (Muito strenuous)
But we have our own room, which shares a large balcony with the room, stay in the Giovanni and his girlfriend. We feel after the first two days, all right at home.

Today we are again driven to GEFEP to the masseuse and healer Akkupunkteur and at work to look over his shoulder. Da Terezinha had ordered us to 11:00 on the project, we were to hear at this time on the ground, for then it would be better yet to come at ten. (Somehow we do not understand many things. We are also not yet come behind it, whether it is for the language deficit or whether the people here really have no preference for logic.
We went then by all means in our old home. Unfortunately, the healer not because, as the bridge that leads to being washed away by rain was Comprido Rio. The masseur told us but a lot about the Brazilian health system and about general political issues in Brazil. This was again a maximum power for the brain.

house project GEFEP

favelas behind the Rua Aureliano Portugal

Our balcony

Before we went home, we have then an hour with Luis Valerio and made music. At home we have simply just tired, boiled, and are very lazy. Now The day is already almost over and tomorrow expected us a day at the beach of Copa Cabana. In the evening we will be making music together in the same place.
Now that we again have a permanent home, I decided to drive back to sports daily. Today, that has worked. So tomorrow I'm back on time at 6:00 in the springs, I am now closing times and go to bed. Good night!

Sophia and Beni


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