Monday, January 10, 2011

Free Letter Of Sympathy From A Church


30. Dezember

7:30 Uhr
Ich sitze im gut geheizten Wartesaal des Chabarowsker Busbahnhofes. In der letzten Nacht hat es nicht geschneit und die Fernstraße nach Komsomolsk ist wieder freigegeben, anscheinend hat man es inzwischen geschafft, sie zu räumen. A bank is a series of advanced, thin, unhealthy-looking young man, he doubles over coughing, thick mucus from his mouth and nose to swell, due to his intoxication, he does not notice it. The people sitting directly opposite him or beside him seems not to worry about that at all. Perhaps Barbara Leo is right when she writes: ". Publicly shown willingness to help is not usual in Russia"

9:00 clock in the modern long distance coach with seat belts I drive through the northern suburbs of Khabarovsk in the direction of the 400 km from the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The ticket has cost 525 rubles (13 euros), came to 40 rubles for luggage. I enjoy the snow-covered hills and the barren taiga forest, perhaps most notably birches and larches.

clock 14:30
The bus rattles on about the narrow two-lane, free of snow highway. On the way he holds twice in small settlements along the road are fish, cedar nuts and honey sold.

clock 16:00
in Komsomolsk-on-Amur arrived, greeted me first thing Comrade Lenin on Lenin Square. I walk to the shore of the Amur River and waterfront are completely snowed in, I enjoy the view of the steel bridge to the other side. Sitting on the river fishing and fish from the ice chopped holes, some have even set up a tent as a shelter. I photograph the monument of the first builders of the city - a group of enthusiastic young people with forward-border gun, spade and guitar.
Komsomolsk-on-Amur was founded in 1932 as part of the construction of a shipyard and in the following years of prison and volunteers of the Communist youth organization Komsomol built, the latter gave the city its name. There are a few monuments, two universities, two museums and a new church. On postcards, the city presents a gray slab setting - in Germany they would be ashamed of it, but here are other standards: one is proud, in this inhospitable region with icy winds, winter have snow and bitter freezing temperatures ever built a city with normal living conditions. Today there are 260 000 inhabitants, in the KNAAPO Factory, the famous Sukhoi airplanes, bombers and passenger aircraft.
Amurufer I'm on with a young woman named Alina conversation, which, as it turns out, lives in Khabarovsk, in the same dorm as me and studied at the university where I teach. We drink coffee from their thermos and it turns out that she won as a student of the Khabarovsk German Olympics.

clock 18:00
I meet Valera, with whom I had arranged to I had him picked as the host, weil er mein Jahrgang ist und mir der markige Spruch in seinem Profil gefallen hat: "Bjéter dújet w lizó, snátschit, mnje charaschó" (Der Wind bläst ins Gesicht, das heißt, mir gehts gut.) Waléra ist Innenausbauer und erzählt mir stolz von seiner vieretagigen Wohngarage, in der wir übernachten werden. Als ich ihn "Wálja" nennen will, berichtigt er mich: das ist die Verkleinerung von "Wálentin", zu "Waléra" passt nur "Waléri".
Seine Wohngarage befindet sich direkt neben dem Gelände des Suchoi-Flugzeugherstellers und erweist sich als muffige, staubige Gerümpelbude mit einem nicht fahrbereiten Moskwitsch im Erdgeschoss, zwei moderigen Kellerebenen und Platz zum Sleep on the first floor. So I imagine a deserted place for 20 years, but no, Valera is already the second year working on the interior. I read somewhere that it's typically Russian, accept zurechtimprovisierte conditions as a permanent condition and things not to bring an end to the motto "If somehow. I see here confirms that.

22:00 clock is
peed in a small plastic bucket, food may not be on the ground to attract the mice were not due to heating pipes running through the garage it is 15 degrees. No matter - the human factor between true, I can endure for a night, almost everything. Valera is a nice guy, so I am grateful to crawl into my sleeping bag.

31st December

Walera clock and I set out on a morning ski tour. Before leaving the garage on my host on the radio, "which sells the mice." I stand for the second time in my life on skis. After I have passed some pedestrians, I buckle me uncomfortable from the boards and decide that there are things in life that I even can not and can not be. At breakfast I watched
how Walera prepared tea into the cup with the bag comes up to half of boiling water and then immediately with cold water filled - originally derived from the samovar "Sawárka principle": There is a very strong infusion (sawárka "), which is individually diluted.

clock 12:00
I go with my host its purchases for the Neujahresfeier arranged like a chessboard in the inner city. Valera said that he is officially registered as unemployed and receives a state subsidy of 1,000 rubles per month (25 €), but of course it works, but just black.
When I tell him that in Germany often do not buy apartments, but rents for life, he wonders. For most Russians, is the possession of your own home dream number One, be it ever so small and ugly panel an extent. -
Before I left, I may take another two dry even caught fish. greets


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