Saturday, January 29, 2011

Official Pool Table Blue Print

overeating smiling and reading

Mitunter frage ich mich, wann die Menschen in Russland eigentlich essen. Nun, diese Frage kann ich mir auch selbst beantworten, sie essen Frühstück, ein oft dreigängiges Mittag und ein in der Regel warmes Abendbrot, und zwar I care home or in the restaurant or in the cafeteria. But I find it remarkable that we see out there eating in public almost never anyone or drink. In Germany it is quite normal for someone in his banana train unpacking or running on the park bench with his sandwich package and a kebab down the street. Here, I fall forward to this, if I appear to choir practice with a water bottle or my way approve an apple. On the road, but sold at small stands pierogi, but neither in winter nor in summer, I have someone it as a "sideline" seen eating as I know this from home. - "The food is still a procedure that takes time," I tried to tell someone once.

with great pleasure that I "Altyn tolobas" zuendegelesen by Boris Akunin, published in German under the title "The library of the Tsar" was. I especially like Akunin interweaving of action with real historical facts and his little socio-cultural excursions. Not to "The Winter Queen (the main character) was reading a newspaper article that the average Russian life three and a half smiles times less than the average European, not to mention the ever-grinning Americans. But he was not a bad thing to recognize is that the smile in Russia is not his original meaning is lost and not just an empty, meaningless grimace is. When a Russian smiles, it means he is very pleased, or be like talking to him. When we (The Winter Queen is British) smile, then that only means that we are not ashamed of our dentist. "

On Thursday, January 27, 2011 was exactly 255 years since Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart saw the light of day. On the occasion of this anniversary was held in Khabarovsk Phil Harmon's Hall is a concert of Mozart's music. I had the honor to read between the plays excerpts from his letters in German. At the same time leaving the presenter Tatyana the Russian translation. For the audience it was probably a large surprise to German by a German the stage to hear. "They have a lot from our concert, the Philharmonic's artistic director said to me afterwards. "Thank you agreed to do it."
There was only one small catch: nowhere in Khabarovsk, there is a book with the text of Mozart's letters in German and the Internet are only a few find. That is, in fact I have not read originals, but Russian translations of Mozart's letters, I retranslated into German. The three people in the hall, but me ever understand German, have certainly not noticed that the style is not exactly "original Mozart" was.
There are just things that were unthinkable in Europe, aber im Fernen Osten Russlands sind sie möglich.

Eiskunst auf dem Lenin-
Platz mit in den Eisblocks einge-
schlossenen Dingen

...und auch im Dynamo-


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