Friday, January 28, 2011

Molest Women On Subway

Hello friends,

you have long heard nothing more from us.

That's because we recently rarely had internet and just did not found the time to write.

You experience here simply too much! Leisure Stress pure!

Here are the latest entries in our travel diary: Today

(. 19.01), we are very broken in the home of Luciano's sister Waldegleçe (pronounced Waudegleßi) Yesterday they celebrated birthdays, but I'll give you from the beginning. 17:01 on Monday evening we were eating smart. Waldegleçe is yes on 18 Luciano born and invited her to dinner. We were in a restaurant Rodizio, which means that all the time waiters walking around with the most delicious meat dishes at Churrasco (Schuhasco) spit. You pay the equivalent of € 15 and can eat meat buffet plus infinity. Because we have fully hit the right belly! Then sind wir auf ein Fest für die Polizisten in Pina ( Stadtteil von Recife) Eigentlich eine Party wie jede andere, außer dass die meisten Leute die dort draußen rumsaßen Polizisten waren. Sie waren nicht etwa gesitteter oder weniger betrunken! Wir haben dort in Waldegleçes Geb reingefeiert und sind dann bald nach Hause, weil wir uns am nächsten Morgen zum einkaufen für die Party verabredet hatten. Morgens sind wir dann zusammen auf den Markt, haben Früchte und Gemüse, Fleisch und Fisch eingekauft. Wir sind Waldegleçe zu jedem Stand hinterhergehetzt , es war brüllend heiß und alle zwei Meter hat einem ein Verkäufer seine Ware ins Ohr geschrien. Natürlich verkaufen dort die Meisten ohne Ende Tüntel.

Dann zurück zum Haus von Lucianos Familie, wo seine Mutter, seine ältere Schwester, seine kleine Schwester mit dem 4 Mon alten Piedro und Waldegleçe mit drei Jungs von 10, 7 und 2 Jahren in einem Mini Haus zusammen wohnen.
Die Frauen haben gekocht und wir haben die meiste Zeit mit einem 88 jährigem Mann und seinem etwas jüngeren Freund vor seinem Haus gesessen und Cachassa getrunken. Er trank den Cachassa mit einer kleinen gelben Frucht, die irgendwie Siringuella hieß, oder so. Auf jeden Fall eine gute Kombination. Und dann ging's richtig rund. Auf einmal gabs Essen ,kaltes Bier und ohne Ende Caipirinha! Was auch unsern Kater erklärt.

Beni asleep next to me, because it is pretty bad and I write with a headache. There was also a great last night. Many people, some of which could also German, but there are also many nice discussions on Portuguese came to pass. Nadine, Luciano's wife, last night flew back home and enters into a couple of hours already cold German soil;) Here in the bedroom of Waldegleçe it all the time the smell of fresh bread and / or cake. Somewhere nearby should be a good bakery. Soon we will try to phone home and then begin our journey to Salvador. The bus will be traveling 12 hours, to see the times, as is!
Good morning! Here speaks Beni. It is 7:00. The night is over. We have spent in a bus, which is by and large, very comfortable. We only had to make first use of our sweaters because the vehicle interior has been temporarily cooled down to 16 degrees. The toilet was bred for a Finnish sauna. The water was boiling hot, which on the one hand-washing made more interesting, on the other to rinse the toilet in a Turkish steam bath has changed. Soon we reach Salvador. Until then!
Hello, Sophia here!
The bus was really comfortable! There were fold- Beinablage-Fächer, die Lehne konnte man weit zurück stellen aber trotz alledem: es war halt immer noch ein Bus. Die Nacht war doch anstrengend und zum Glück hat dann heut Morgen alles direkt geklappt. Wir haben ein Hostel in Strandnähe für zwei Tage und direkt Tickets zur Weiterfahrt gebucht. Das Hostel ist wirklich schön und es hat sogar eine Waschmaschine! ( Haben heute erstmal Ariel gekauft, damit es so riecht wie bei den Mamas ;) )
Ansonsten war das, was wir von Salvador bis jetzt gesehen haben irgendwie enttäuschend. Wir sind in der cidade baixa ( Unterstadt ), also etwas weiter weg vom Centrum, die auch ihre Attraktionen hat.

Der Strand war leider voller Müll, den es hier in Brasilien echt in Massen gibt.
Alles wird in tausend Schichten Plastik verpackt und dann achtlos irgendwo hin geworfen. Es stinkt fast überall nach Urin und man muss ständig auf den Boden schauen um nicht in andere Exkremente zu treten. Es gibt einfach so viele sträunende Tiere hier, obwohl ich vermute, dass sich nicht nur Tiere auf der Straße erleichtern! Leider ist die Qualität der Entsorgung doch sehr unterschiedlich. Während in Recife die Hauptstraßen und der Strand regelmäßig von Männern mit großen Mülltonnen gereinigt wurden und man auch täglich Müllwagen gesehen hat, kann man hier in Salvador eigentlich nur den Müll entdecken - entweder als großen Heap on the roadside or at the beach than even flooring.
The treatment of animals in Brazil is for us to get used to. On the one hand, there are farm animals such as horses and donkeys, which are often actually used it! Some of them are left in the desert tied up at the roadside, without food and water and you can count her ribs. Not pure-bred dogs and cats are not followed by Brazilians at best. Sometimes you see a dog somewhere and do not know if he may already be dead. Pure-bred animals instead, as they carry stuffed animals around with them and to indulge them in line and thread! In Luciano's family, we have an insight seen in the lives of mothers with their children. Most fathers do not live with them, but have done a disappearing act. Many children seem to their mothers just stressful and disruptive to be latent. Would be contrary to the approximately 2-year-old Kristo alone all day through the street outside the house of Luciano's family, took everything in his mouth on the ground that there was (and what is there, I've already told grad), cried in one tour ( probably for attention), was pushed away by his Ma so she could call in peace and abused, if he did something wrong. It gave him no one says anything, or just a busy time with him. If he went too close to the road is, someone has grabbed him by the arm and carried back. In the house next door was a young boy (2-3) locked behind a screen door in the house. I was just sitting there, he stood behind the bars, so I tried a bit to play with him. I did not know where was the mother and I tried to distract him. But of course, he whined that he wants out! Then have him yell at all, he should keep his mouth shut and when he then started to climb up the grid, all have just become even louder!
Even very small babies any time, day or night, or taken anywhere rumgetragen. They sit at 11 clock in the evening nor on the beach promenade and have no place where it simply sometimes quiet, and they can sleep a few hours! The women here have probably never learned otherwise, but only do what has exemplified her own mother.
Most mothers act as if they do not feel their children. But they have little desire to clean up or clean up. I'm not really fussy, but in the lane where the children have all day stopped, was it actually all the time a giant dog pile and among other things, a pile of rubble of broken bricks, etc. You can still see really well, as the situation of the people and their motivation to do something affected. It then creates a perfect vicious circle and it obviously nothing happened. I was to describe also important to live under what conditions and how the people there. Meanwhile, we have already progressed quite a bit. In Salvador, we have the next day for a walk along the coast and actually found a secluded strip of beach. It was wonderful: Beni had the guitar and played it on a rock in the sea. One could observe colorful fish in the water and drink a coconut in the sun!

have cooked the evening and that we finally re-nutritious food! We believe by now that the Dutch their eating habits have brought over with. Everything is from fried dough, meat and / or ultra-sweet things. For example Coxinhas's everywhere (a ball of fried dough with meat, fish, or vegetable filling). The next day we bag and baggage to Rodoviária (bus station) and bridged the time to the bus with a visit to the very popular and not rare to say the least, vast shopping malls. But of course with the background: I was out of reading material! So we visited a large bookstore, in which there was not even German books! Very nice.
arrived the next morning in Porto Seguro, we drove directly to the ferry to a lovely little town on the coast called Arraial d'Ajuda cross over.

Then we were lucky because we have noticed through our back packs, the sweaty German look and aimless Rumrennerei two German girls were. They ran after us and said to us. Moreover, they also had another ultra cheap Pousada with its free room. Well then, it was clean and beautiful. The girls had slept the night before in a Barraca (beach bar with a kind of flat) out at the beach. There we are then executed to run for an hour on a gorgeous, empty sandy beach along! We ate a snack and drink, and stayed until it was dark. So we were already six tiefe Nacht ist, hatten wir beim Spaziergang zurück einen wunderbaren Sternenhimmel. Später haben wir dann alles für einen wunderbaren Abend eingekauft:
Frische, warme Sandwiches, Bier, Cachaça, Limetten, Zucker und Cracker. Es kamen noch Freunde der Mädels vorbei und wir feierten eine multilinguale und sehr internationale Party. Dabei waren: Deutschland, Brasilien, Italien und Hawai! Am nächsten Tag sind wir dann wieder zur Barraca und haben einen großen gebratenen Fisch für vier Personen gegessen. Mit dabei waren natürlich arroz ( ahois: Reis), feijada ( Bohneneintopf), batatas fritas, aipim ( frittierter Maniokteig), Farinha ( Maniokmehl) und Salat.
Delicioso! Danach We have played with the owners of Barraca beach volleyball and stayed until it was dark. As the tide was just pretty high, we were waiting for something to be able to run back and were easy to talk to the people! It was really a fun night! Later on, warped
then the clouds and the moon appeared. Suddenly it was as bright as day, but without colors! The moon on the water was a broad strip lights and lighted us home. Everything was black, or a gradation of black. Also new was low tide and the sea was so far away that had huge space to work. So we came back quickly and then something in the "inner city" (a few small shops and bars) gegangen. Dort haben die Mädels wieder ein paar verrückte Brasilianer getroffen, die sie kannten. Mit einem hat Beni sich dann ca. eine Stunde über Black Metal Bands ausgetauscht...
Nun ist wieder eine schöne Zeit zu Ende und wir sitzen im Bus nach Rio. Mal schauen, ob Terezinha morgen da ist und uns abholt?!
Als wir gestern mittag am Busbahnhof angekommen sind, war niemand da, um uns abzuholen. Also haben wir uns ein Hostel in Rio gesucht und haben gestern schon eine schoene Nacht in einer Bar in Rio verbracht.

Im Hostel haben wir ein Paerchen, bestehend aus met an Argentinian and an Icelander and went with them a bit hear live music. The communication was very funny, because she speaks only English and he English and English. So we have understood about half of what she has told us and he must translate the rest. So we learn a little English so ...
Terezinha has not written us in the evening that they would be at the bus station was, we would have not found. We wanted to call her then, but does the Brazilian prepaid phone card we bought only after 24 hours.
So we try to be today, Terezinha to call and inspect the project.
We will contact you again when we mehr wissen.
Bis bald e muitas abraças (viele Umarmungen),
Beni e Sophia


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