Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Xbox 360 Wireless Controller Pc Hacked

Ok, on we go!

Bereit für Runde zwei?
Der Trip nach Joao Pessoa ist nun vorbei und wir blicken zurück auf
anstrengende Tage! In Joao Pessoa haben wir erstmal ewig gebraucht um Rejanis Whg. Zu
finden. Luciano und Nadine haben dann irgendwann einen Taxifahrer bezahlt, der vorfuhr und ihnen den Weg gezeigt hat. Angekommen bei Rejani gab's natürlich lecker Abendessen. Ihre Wohnung befand sich in einer Wohnanlage: also ein Hochhaus mit eigenem Piscina (Pool) und Wachmann. Für brasilianische Verhältnisse lebt sie also auf einem sehr hohen Niveau. Leider war ihre Einstellung bzw. Persönlichkeit also
accordingly. Everything was done according to their ideas without asking our opinion and without demur. It had to happen immediately and now, and if they had a discussion in an opinion they could not be dissuaded, no matter whether right or wrong. Rules were the top priority for them, they cited Beni and I only take a shower before we could get into the pool. The first day we were so in the morning at the pool and they disappeared around 11:30 to cook. Beni and I wanted to make the afternoon really music, but Luciano suggested with Rejanis son learn to surf. So chop, Agora, Agora the car and hit the beach. There should then did not at once only Beni and I take lessons ... Luciano trick, Nadine Rejani and planted himself in a chair watching us. Booyah! But because we can not annoy yes, naturally we have rocked the waves well and the other forgotten as we were on the boards
! Beni and I ask slowly, whether it is normal to get everything to enjoy fast and without behind: after surfing it was zack
wet in the car: see sunset! We expected a cozy place instead went into the next's stuffed Tourimeile. As we were arriving at a place with a view, we drove to Rejani because, as she thought was going to rain the same. We went with anger, only to find that they
to the next food stall headed and took up residence there. As Beni and I are annoyed at rest and back first have enjoyed the view. Man Oman, will enjoy not important here.
came the next evening of your friends to visit. . Dieter (a German pensioner from Nuremberg) and Gorette (his Brazilian girlfriend) We went to dinner together, which means we went to the nearest shopping mall to here at Pizza Hut, thanks to the air conditioner to freeze to death almost. Rejani has pretty much the whole evening pouting
sat next to us and said nothing. Luciano told us later, she was attacked by Dieter, because he had told her that she could not be a German teacher without speaking German. So, as you can see, it's just pretty funny. After the meal, she then made an insurrection, because
has set a Pizza Hut reais for a social project with the bill. (If you consider that only their costs in the month 450 reais, which amount to about 200 €, well) real incredible thing was after it for Dieter and Gorette who live only
200 m from the Shopping Center, for fear they might attack will call a taxi. You could not be dissuaded until the two have just said goodbye and gone. I do not know if I want to talk about today ... because we all just wanted to get away. Problem: the wound of my wisdom tooth op is still not healed. Luciano had told her about it and they came to me and said, after breakfast we go to my dentist!
I pointed out the fact that I agree in place of a visit abroad to assure my needs, so call briefly. Then she does things differently No in Brazil ... I want that now do not run on, but there was no way to tell her that I would call in to my insurance man, I'm glad we are away from there! We searched for several hours to discuss the insurance
called and been to the dentist. Also an interesting experience. A nice dentist with gold flip flops, beach dress under the coat and many small figures of saints im Behandlungszimmer. (Achja, der Zahnarzt war übrigens auch in der Shopping Mal. Es gab dort sogar eine Fakultät...) Jetzt sitzen wir im Auto zurück nach Recife und ich bin gespannt wie der Abend endet.. Hoffentlich nicht im Stress! Jetzt erzählt der Beni mal weiter:
Naja, im richtigen Stress ist der Tag dann nicht geendet. Eher im Semistress. Wir kamen erst gegen 20:00 in Recife an und hatten mal wieder Schwierigkeiten eine Unterkunft zu finden. Nicht unüblich zur Hochzeit des Tourismus (Sommerferien in ganz Brasilien). Nach drei Stunden vergeblicher Suche eröffnete Luciano uns die Möglichkeit, in ein Stundenhotel zu fahren. In Brasilien gibt es viele dieser
Etablissements, da in den meisten Familien zwei bis drei Generationen live together in a confined space and the privacy for romantic or dirty hours is given.
We went there also. The entrance was an automatic garage door next to a darkened glass case stood, a hand extended from the two keys. Behind the goal it looked like a garage. A Autobox after another. A spiral staircase led directly into the room, which really surprised us. It was the nicest room we've ever had. It was great, very clean and we saw for the first time since our arrival in this country back a toilet seat made of ceramic. (Default is plastic) Only a few things hinted what that room was thinking. The bed was slightly elevated, a large mirror adorned the wall, a vibrator and condoms were ready on the bedside table and when it was powered on television or radio, we got porn music or movies to see and hear.
The staff was very discreet. The breakfast, which was really rich and delicious, was passed through a gate in the wall so that one had to connect with anyone besides the roommates in contact. This whole luxury cost us 47 reais, or less than 25 € - madness! The next day started so well and went on fantastically well. We drove to our favorite hotel where we had spent the
first days in Recife. Here just two double rooms had become free. We made ourselves a bit fresh and drove to the Turma Thurs Flaubert, the "group of ice," a social project that Luciano has already visited as a child and where he later worked as an educator. The name of the group owes its original concept. To keep the children and young people from the street, drugs and crime away, gave them Aurieta sister, the head of the project, the possibility of making ice cream and sell it. Now is now banned in Brazil, child labor, therefore, the children sell any ice, but be encouraged in various areas. There is homework help, music lessons and lots of dance and theater, especially for carnival. As the children's holiday now have is not learned, but mainly offered games and fun program.
We got a guided tour through the establishment and Aurieta told us of the many projects and events, which they supported or even initiated. She fights against child labor, domestic violence, drug abuse and everything else that is bad. We were especially touched the plaque on which a cross is for every child who died because of the conditions of life.

One child died of a shock, since a poorly insulated electrical wiring hung during a heavy rain on the street. Another child was from a Ex-cop shot dead because it had stolen a bite out of a shop, another died because it had seen the murder. Such cases are not rare.
We could now attend a rehearsal of the dance theater group that is preparing itself to the Rose Monday. The music teacher told us that children are highly motivated, as the mayor of Recife, has promised as a reward for a good performance, two tour buses for a day trip.
We were allowed to stay for lunch and were allowed to play for German songs (Bless, Father these gifts) We also sang: Where two or three gather in my name, and in Portuguese: Onde dois ou tres sao meu nome in Reunião.

We are also introduced to Brazilian, and then the kids freaked out completely and we responded with applause and shouts. After dinner, I still made music with some of the children.
I played "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" in 10-15 and looked totally bewildered faces, since obviously no one knew this song - crazy world!
During the entire time we all had at least one child by the hand, on the shoulders, in, on or under the arm.

We were a pretty attraction and many a small man shed a few tears as we left the establishment again. The little ones were so sweet, we would have taken most like a couple of them, especially when you consider what they have to go through this part.

(told from here Sophia)
evening we were at a concert on the Plaia de San Pedro, thus actually Peter's Square, is) there should be a local celebrity from Pernambuco, the state's capital Recife occur.
We were there relatively early and still was the small space already completely full. We waited for the beginning and more and more people flocked to the place that you only could leave four small streets. There they were all violent and pushed. After all the musicians came on stage, but it did not go far from over. There was a discussion see, sound engineers ran across the stage, something
did not work, then there was a small sound check and heard it was still weird. Everywhere cameras were set up as a DVD should be recorded. We waited and were further
our legs in the stomach. Luciano even managed twice to order a bottle of beer from the waiter from the adjoining restaurant, although about 20 people shouted at once: "Oi Amigo!"
Then came finally the artists on stage. He was wearing something a bit so aussah wie das Kleid was Homer Simpson sich in der Folge kauft, als er der dickste Mann in Springfield wird und nur noch von zu Hause aus arbeitet. (als er auch den Holzvogel kauft, der für ihn immer auf die Yes Taste des Computers drückt und damit das Atomkraftwerk zerstört)Der Künstler spielte dann nur brasilianische Karnevalsmusik, was vllt. noch schön gewesen wäre, wenn gute Tontechniker am Werk gewesen wären.
Dauernd fiepte laut die Rückkopplung und zu hören waren aus dem dumpfen Gebräu nur Bass und Schlagzeug. Selbst Luciano hat die Worte des Sängers nicht verstanden. Irgendwann hatten wir die Nase voll und beschlossen lieber noch was trinken zu gehen.
Wie sich 10 min später herausstellte, hatten we are just at the right moment on going. We managed with great difficulty to leave the place by a narrow street without being crushed, and just as we were able to breathe again, put up a rain shower. Suddenly, all began to run and to push and we were glad to have escaped the greatest tumult.
Then we took a taxi to a nice bar where he met several Brazilians just to watch the finale of a soap opera. Since large flat screens hanging everywhere
, we saw (with cheers and clapping of guests), as the female main character seduces a disagreeable old man to him afterwards to murder with a large knife. Crazy.
The bar was also a glass display case next to our table where the guests could choose to live crabs (about big plates), which were freshly prepared. The big uproar among the crabs, when the waiter came with the forceps and was the guest of the finger, which he wanted to eat, I found (Sophia)
really creepy.
The next day we arranged a beach at Porta de Galinhas (one of the last ports in which the slave trade up was after the official ban Receive / translated literally: the beach of the chicken, because the slave traders could not openly speak of the arrival of new slaves; they spoke of fresh chicken) Today quite a tourist-destination. After we had established ourselves,
we ordered some food and went swimming in the really ultra-clear, turquoise water. Then it was
ugly. The beach sellers brought us a fish and a small portion of chips, which should be enough for three people according to the seller. Vorallendingen it should be 60 reais, cost you about 30 €.
When we complained, it degenerated from. We did enough Portuguese to say. I only heard Luciano policia began again to say and then ran away without a word. He left us there with 5 sellers alone that kept coming to us and told us we would have a problem if we do not would pay.
We waited then determined one hour to Luciano came back and he had actually been two military policemen and convinced her to follow him to the beach .... The two were by Brazilian fashion with bullet-proof vest, combat boots, and have several guns and I would be absorbed best in soil
. One policeman began then to have to insult the beach vendors and wegzuschubsen and I kept asking if it would not have been possible to find another solution without the military police turn!
Luciano sought, that we paid and half for me was the afternoon run! We then schnell die Kurve gekratzt, da wir natürlich den Zorn der gesamten Verkäuferbande auf uns gezogen hatten.
Zum Glück fanden wir dann schnell ein gutes portugiesisches Restaurant, dessen Chefkoch mich sehr an Anthony Bourdain erinnerte, und speisten vorzüglich.
Gestern haben wir dann erstmal einen faulen Tag eingeschoben. Wir haben bis mittags im Hotel rumgeluemmelt, waren dann ein bisschen am Strand und sind abends noch essen gegangen. Unser neues Lieblingslokal hat sogar Live-Musik geboten.

Heute ist auch nicht viel mehr passiert, da allein ca. 4 Stunden dafuer raufgegangen sind, unser Busticket nach Salvador zu . Get Here in Recife you can buy tickets for the overland buses only at the bus station, which is about 50min bus or train ride away from our hotel.
Now we have our tickets and we can make two nice days on the beach. We will get back soon to give to know if we have arrived in Salvador.

Until then,

Sophia and Beni


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